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Discovering the Basics of Mindful Self-Compassion
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Course Workbook - Please Download
Module 1 - Introduction to Self-Compassion
Defining Self-Compassion (2:51)
What are the Benefits of Self-Compassion? (3:36)
What is the Difference Between Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion? (2:48)
How to Approach this Course (2:21)
The Paradox of Self-Compassion (1:12)
Module 2 - What is Self-Compassion?
The Three Components of Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) (5:09)
The Self-Compassion Break: Foundational Practice of MSC (2:27)
The Yin and Yang of Self-Compassion (2:41)
Physiology of Self-Compassion (2:48)
Guided Practice: Soothing Touch (5:06)
Audio Meditation: Self-Compassion Break
Module 3 - What is Mindfulness Really?
Presence in the Moment (3:34)
Our Wandering Mind (2:48)
Listening to our body's cues (1:11)
Resistance: The Opposite of Mindfulness (3:45)
Practice: How Does Resistance Increase My Suffering? (5:58)
Module 4 - Guided Self-Compassion Meditations
Practice: Affectionate Breathing Meditation 10 Mins (12:39)
Audio Meditation: Affectionate Breathing 15 Mins
Audio Meditation: Compassionate Friend
Module 5 - Self-Compassion and Burnout
Empathy vs. Compassion (3:57)
Practice: Giving and Receiving Compassion (3:36)
More Practices for Caregiving Burnout (4:57)
Audio Meditation: Giving and Receiving Compassion
Audio Meditation: Compassion with Equanimity
Module 6 - Changing our Internal Dialogue with Loving Kindness
What is Loving Kindness Meditation? (2:50)
Developing Your Own Loving Kindness Phrases (2:47)
Exercise: What Do I Need to Hear? (6:55)
Practice: Loving Kindness for Myself (6:58)
Audio Meditation: Loving Kindness for Ourselves 10 mins
The Yin and Yang of Self-Compassion
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